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Techman Robot’s Intelligent Factory Solutions for the Automotive Sector

As 2020 comes to a close, we’re happy to report that Techman Robot is seeing some of its most ambitious plans for smart factory management and Internet of Things turn into reality. It is no surprise to us that these partnerships have been forged within the automotive industry, a sector that actively and openly embraces the future of collaborative robots.

Rewards for our efforts

In the past few years, our commitment to this vision has rewarded our efforts, which have blossomed into real partnerships, both in Europe in Asia. Since 2018, we’ve been working with an automotive manufacturer in Hungary, aiding with sub-assembly processes related to telematics control unit production. Our partner manufacturer has been using our pick-and-place cobot solutions and robotic vision applications to streamline their production.

One of our biggest plans was to see greater seamless integration between our AI-driven robotic vision technologies and TMmanager, our factory intelligent management system to handle a comprehensive set of intelligent, vision-driven tasks. In more recent months, we’ve cemented our relationship with a leading auto manufacturer in Japan – and again we’re seeing this vision come true.

The requirement we’re fulfilling for this Japanese car manufacturer is a cobot solution that combines AI vision and intelligent factory management. In one production floor setup, four Techman Robots with smart vision capabilities have been placed together with 36 front and rear camera systems to perform a next-generation smart inspection system – a visually driven quality check for consumer vehicles in the final stages of assembly.

This vision-technology-driven setup we’ve provided is the first of its kind in Japan – one that employs an automated optical system. Our ceiling-mounted cobots execute carefully controlled, pre-programmed movements that aid with an internal and external vehicle inspection.

These cobots are fully enabled to execute smart quality inspections for fog lamps, windshield wiper installation, seats, and seatbelt placement, center consoles and dashboards, and remote control systems, among others. These robotic vision-led inspections are accompanied by photographic documentation and collection of other critical inspection data which is recorded and evaluated.


Cobot task evolution

This evolution in the quality tasks performed by cobots opens the doors to more sophisticated automation in the smart inspection process, increasing production efficiencies and reducing risk to humans. With the aid of our proprietary TMflow task programming interface, we are also seeing in-house automotive engineers able to pre-program assembly flows without having to call in external system integrators, saving on overall time, cost, and manpower requirements.

In the future, we foresee our successful efforts in elevating the quality of cobot-human collaboration extend into other industries, such as food processing and the manufacture of cosmetic products, amongst others.

We hope to develop more partnerships in the future that will bring more forward-oriented companies into adopting more industry 4.0 technologies into their most important processes.

Feel free to talk to us about our robotic vision and smart factor management solutions and we will work with you to design a solution that will propel your business forward. We look forward to hearing more about your requirements very soon.