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Important Considerations for Connecting to External Devices

Examples are valid for:
TMflow Software version: All
TM Robot Hardware version: All
Other specific requirements: None
Note that older or newer software versions may have different results.

Connect a dedicated LAN port an external device in order to establish a connection. For the definitions of LAN ports on the Control Box, please consult the “Control Box Interfaces” chapter in a Hardware Installation Manual.

When connecting an external device, make sure the IP settings and domain are the same; otherwise, the connection cannot be established. If you cannot connect to the device, check whether the cable and device are compatible with the robot. If the issue persists, contact an authorized service technician for assistance.

Before installing the TMflow Client on a device (such as a laptop), make sure the device meets the minimum system requirements for installation, and select the version of the installation file based on the device’s OS (x86 or x64). For details, consult chapter “2.2.4 TM AI Cobot Operation with TMflow” in the Software Manual TMflow.

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