Users can create a new base by using UI Builder to the current TMflow project.
In define area:
string BaseName = "NewBase"
float baseX = 0.00
float baseY = 0.00
float baseZ = 0.00
float baseRX = 0.00
float baseRY = 0.00
float baseRZ = 0.00
In the main program:
Then, use all the information to create new base in just a line code.
OperatorActiveX->CreateNewBase = BaseName, baseX, baseY, baseZ, baseRX, baseRY, baseRZ
or simply use a float array,
array base_values = baseX, baseY, baseZ, baseRX, baseRY, baseRZ
Then, use base_values to create a new base.
OperatorActiveX->CreateNewBase = BaseName, base_values
Users can also change the project base by using the following command:
OperatorActiveX->ChangeCurrentBase = BaseName
Users can get the current base name,
BaseName = OperatorActiveX->GetCurrentBaseName
Users can delete specific base by using the base name.
OperatorActiveX->DeleteBase = BaseName