Examples are valid for:
TMflow Software version: All.
TM Robot Hardware version: All.
Other specific requirements: None
Note that older or newer software versions may have different results.
if the total number of bytes transmitted is correct but there is a delay in trasnmission, a TM Robot can still normally. However, if one byte is lost during transmission, the robot’s data will not be organized properly, and subsequent transmissions will not align. No recovery will occur automatically even after a period of time, and a reconnection will be neccesary, because there is no timeout.
Most users have the Master transmit bytes and disconnect and reconnect if the Slave fails to respond for a certain period of time. For example, typical Modbus libraries trigger timeouts on the Master (the network client), not the Modbus Slave (the network server). The Server does not disconnect users or invalidate unfinished timeout commands. You should let the Master disconnect and reconnect after a timeout. If the Slave were to detect a timeout and invalidate the command stream, it could affect the compatibility of other existing Master-side software programs.
In principle, Modbus uses a checksum to prevent data transmission errors, so there are only errors in how the data is interpreted. You can use the “GetByte” method to check the number of bytes of the data.